Sturdy Oral Appliances and Night Guards

Helping to Preserve Your Teeth With Oral Appliances

At Minnesota Lakes Dental PLLC, we offer oral appliances and night guards to protect your beautiful smile.

Whether you grind your teeth, have an abnormal bite, have missing teeth, or your teeth are poorly aligned, we can help alleviate symptoms of bruxism which is chronic jaw clenching and grinding.

Night guards while sleeping are designed to fit over your teeth and keep the jaw slightly apart. It prevents:

  • Muscle strain

  • Excessive pressure on the jaw joint (TMJ)

  • Chipped or cracked teeth

Let us help you with a custom night guard that will be fabricated to curb a bruxism habit and provide you with a better night's sleep! Call (507) 262-4659 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

Preserve Your Dental Health With a Sports Mouthguard

Sport-related mouth trauma affects millions of individuals every year. If you're involved in a sport that has frequent body contact with other players and objects as well, you should consider a sports mouthguard.

Removable mouthguards are made of sturdy plastic that sits comfortably over your teeth. They're designed to cover the top teeth but can also be fabricated to protect the lower teeth. People who wear braces may need a special mouthguard that provides more protection and coverage.

There are three types of mouthguards available:

  • Pre-formed and ready-to-wear stock mouthguards

  • Boil and bite mouthguards

  • Custom mouthguards fabricated by a dentist

Let Minnesota Lakes Dental PLLC help you choose the right sports mouthguard to protect your smile. Call (507) 262-4659 to schedule an appointment.a